Nobody Wins With A Counter Offer

Bernadette Hill

June 1, 2022

Point of View: You receive an out of the blue meeting request with no particular topic from one of your top performing direct reports. Your heart falls to your stomach and your mind starts racing; because as a people manager, you know all too well - they’re likely calling the meeting to resign. Most people managers know this feeling; as well as the scramble they may feel in the aftermath. Offboarding can be a difficult process and hiring top talent is no easy feat; plus you may actually really like your departing team member. This may lead to a desire to put up a fight to retain your cherished team member with a counteroffer. But is a counteroffer the best solution?

Let’s start with defining a counteroffer. A counteroffer is an offer that an existing employer makes to an employee who has received an offer from another company, and is intending to resign. A counteroffer is often compensation-based, but can also include promotions in title and responsibility, as well as other job perks. In the current state of the job market, amidst the Great Resignation, it can be tempting to pull out all the stops to retain top talent. But the counteroffer is a short-sighted solution that can lead to detrimental downstream effects. Here are a few things to consider:

Proactive, not reactive, compensation is important 

Companies may think that presenting a counteroffer to an employee proves that they believe the employee to be valuable to their organization. But in reality, it's showing them the opposite and eroding trust all around. If the company could provide these benefits all along, why did it take a resignation to provide them?

Think long-term

Counteroffers rarely address all of the reasons behind why an employee would depart an organization. Even if an employee accepts a counteroffer, research shows that the employee still leaves within six to 18 months. An employee who has undergone the interview process with another company has likely already mentally and emotionally checked out of their current employer. Compensation or perks may energize them temporarily, but the reality of their situation inevitably creeps back in and pulls them away once again.

Perceptions matter 

An accepted counteroffer does not impact just the manager and the one employee, it impacts the entire team. Other team members may feel slighted that they were not given additional or improved benefits while remaining loyal to the company, or perhaps they may too recognize that they may be valued more elsewhere.

There are occasions when counteroffers go well, of course. Especially among those who are happy with everything in their role except for compensation. In those specific instances, counteroffers can be a helpful tool to retain your employees. However, it can be difficult to get to the root cause of why someone wants to leave your organization, and you will never know what they experienced in interviewing for other organizations. Therefore, as a general practice, prevention is the best solution. Try focusing on the following:

Pay fairly

 Don’t withhold compensation until someone resigns, but rather invest in your team while they’re still with you. Run regular reports to ensure there is pay equity within your organization, and that your team meets their market value.

Build trust

Build strong relationships with your team members; where there is mutual trust and psychological safety to share feedback. Ensure there is an inclusive culture where everyone can feel that they belong.

Don't skip exit interviews 

When someone does leave your team (it will happen), use their resignation as an opportunity to learn from potential mistakes. Conduct an exit interview to determine the departing employee’s pain points and how you can adjust for your other team members.

Though a counteroffer may seem like the answer to your problems in retaining talent, it is merely a band-aid on a much deeper wound. Try not to get caught up in the potential short-term win, and instead focus on adjusting how you treat your employees to ensure there is a long-term path to success.

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Talent Tap Trends & Insights | Lancaster, PA

By Bernadette Hill February 12, 2025
You’ve read the first two blog posts about bad hires, think you have things locked down, made the hire of your dreams and then everything begins to go wrong. Employees aren’t motivated, the work is beginning to suffer and what was once a well-oiled machine becomes something akin to the Titanic. Time to follow up on my second post about what to do with a bad hire? Maybe. It could be the new person that you introduced into your tightly controlled world or, and I say this with all due respect: It could be you. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that a toxic environment can be created from the top down in an organization. Here are just a few things that you should be aware of; consider them warning signs: You’re sending out emails in all caps Staff turnover is at an all-time high Everyone shuts up when you walk into the room Enjoying the job has become just surviving the job A few of those get your heart racing a bit? It’s ok, I promise. Just take a step back and realize that everything is correctable if you catch it in time. As HR professionals we recognize that even the greatest of hires can be tainted by a work environment that is, for lack of a better word, hostile. If you find yourself inadvertently breeding one of those types of places, here are a few things that will help pull your hind parts out of the fire. Perform A Cultural Audit Translation: Now is the time to step back and evaluate the culture that you are creating. Are you aiming for professional? Competent but relaxed? Open? Closed door, hush hush and all that? You need to know what you want and be objective in reviewing what you see before you. Ask Your Employees This one is a bit tricky because you’re putting yourself on the line and your employees on the spot. Ensure that this can be done anonymously if they so choose. Find out why they work there, what makes them tick, what they like and what they detest…leave nothing in the shadows. Hire An Outside HR Rep For A Consultation (Hi!) An objective third party is likely going to have an easier time looking at your organization and recognizing challenges that need to be addressed than you are. Don’t be offended, it’s just the way of things. More often than not, employees will actually relish the chance contribute to change and respect you even more for recognizing the need for it. Be genuine in your actions and reasons and you’ll be that much closer to creating a workplace where people want to perform to the best of their ability.
By Bernadette Hill January 20, 2025
Let’s imagine a world where you missed out on Talent Tap’s last blog post, “Avoiding a Bad Hire”. Such a place would be truly scary, but let’s just say that it happened and well, you’ve ended up with a less than desirable employee. Fear not! We’re here to help. The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t really an on-coming train. There is good news to be had: a bad hire is just one dimension of a business. Look at it this way, there are a myriad of business decisions that can take a nose-dive and people still stuck it out. Look at “New Coke”. That stuff was terrible and while Coke took a little heat for it, they soldiered on. You’ll do the same. Like many disaster recovery plans, the first step is to admit that you have a problem. Fall on the grenade and get it over with. Why? Numerous studies have shown that sweeping the issue under the rug is only going to result in more pain later down the line. Once you are ok with saying “I hired incorrectly” out loud, you can figure out what kind of bad hire you’re dealing with: The “No Momentum” Hire: 1) The new person starts of strong and makes an immediate positive impact…for about six months. After that, you’ll start to have an “ok” employee who falls short of initial expectations. The “Immediate Disaster” Hire: 2) The newbie proves to be a disaster from the get go for any number of reasons – personal baggage, rude, no respect for deadlines or time, or is just flat out dangerously incompetent. The “Wrong Seat On The Bus” Hire:  3) The new hire is pretty much in the wrong position in terms of competencies, experience or cultural fit. This one can be realized by both the hire and the company. Now what? Well, that’s up to you. Let’s skip over #1 for now and move right to #2. Typical wisdom is going to tell you to sever the relationship ASAP. And typical wisdom is right. Don’t let a bad hire ruin what you’ve worked to build. Harsh, but true. As for #3, this one is a bit interesting. It may very well not be the employee’s fault here. Sometimes things are just mismatched from day one. Take the time to sit down with him or her and work out if there is a better position, in terms of fit, within the company. These folks can turn into valuable employees if you take the time to align competencies with your needs. Also review your recruiting, onboarding and training processes. Do you need a more defined job description, screening/interviewing process and/or position scorecard? Onto #1 we go. This can have one of two outcomes, really. First, a conversation about expectations and goals could correct the slipping and everyone will be happy. Second, it can turn out they really just don’t want to work there anymore and in that case, it’s time for you to end it and recover what you can. How have you all handled bad hires in the past? Any techniques that have worked out for you better than others? Please, share with us in the comments below. Up next: What if it’s you and not them?
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